Conceptual Physics I - Classical Mechanics


Overview:  This class is designed to present the most important concepts of high school physics without the rigorous math which is usually involved. Considering the short time-frame for the class, the history, philosophy and experimentation behind the physical principles will not be presented.  The motivated student is encouraged to discover these concepts on his/her own.


Textbook: Conceptual Physics by Paul G. Hewitt (2006, Prentice Hall).


Weeks 1 and 2 - Linear Motion


Lesson 1A slideshow  Lesson 1B slideshow


Weeks 3 and 4 - Projectile Motion


Lesson 2A slideshow  Lesson 2B slideshow


Weeks 5 and 6 - Newton's First Law of Motion


Lesson 3A slideshow   Lesson 3B slideshow


Weeks 7 and 8 - Newton's Second Law of Motion


Lesson 4A slideshow   Lesson 4B slideshow


Weeks 9 and 10 - Newton's Third Law of Motion


Lesson 5A slideshow   Lesson 5B slideshow






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